Globally, a third or one trillion US dollars of all our foods gets thrown away every year. Tessa
Clarke is today’s guest and the Co-founder and CEO of OLIO — a food-sharing app aiming to
reduce household and food waste by connecting neighbours with spare food or household
items to others nearby. Growing up on a dairy farm in the UK, Tessa developed a keen
appreciation of the value of food early on and a strong distaste for any food being wasted.
Tessa speaks with Marco about how her smuggling of non-perishable foods at the bottom of
her packing boxes sparked the idea for OLIO, what the name OLIO means, and its clever
representation of the circular economy and the difference OLIO is making by empowering
people to become part of the solution. With now seven million people using the app, this
certified B Corp is re-inventing our consumer habits and demonstrating that building a
carbon-negative company is achievable.
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Play Episode 27: Tessa Clarke, Olio: