Transitioning to a circular economy could generate 25 trillion USD worth of additional economic output globally by 2050. Today’s guest is Stuart Lilley, CEO and founder of ReFeed Farms, a Langley, BC facility focusing on food waste recovery through a circular nutrition model. Stuart was raised in Wales around international cuisine, and his love of food continued as he worked in the hospitality industry and later as a food waste management consultant.
Stuart speaks with Marco on how he disrupted the linear food waste management industry with a sustainable and traceable business model, his fundraising challenges and how he addressed them, and how not having “all his eggs in one basket” when it comes to manufacturing products is critical for initial business growth. With the desire to scale localized manufacturing facilities in Ontario and the United States, ReFeed Farms is demonstrating that repairing the food system by using 100% of the nutrition found in unused food and returning it to feed people, livestock, and the soil is attainable.
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Play Episode 37: Stuart Lilley, ReFeed Farms: